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Detox and Exercise

By: Rachel Collier - Updated: 11 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Exercise Detox Blood Circulation Toxins

We all know that we should make time to do more exercise, but how many of us realise that getting our bodies moving also encourages natural detoxification to do the same? Just thirty minutes of exercise a day can keep your system ticking over nicely, and weight loss is just one of many body benefits.

Fat Cat

One of the most common reasons most of us sign up at the gym is to lose excess weight. Carrying too many extra pounds won’t just make you feel unhappy, but it will also mean your body keeps hold of more toxins that it otherwise would. Toxins love fat and will happily set up home in fatty areas inside you. Regular exercise will not only help to shift existing fat deposits, but it’ll also prevent your body from accumulating more. The result? A trim, toned figure, both inside and out.

Get Sweat, Go!

The skin is the largest organ in your body so it’s no surprise that it plays a big part in detox. Although we put significant effort into avoiding it, sweating is actually a very efficient form of detox. Sweating draws toxins from the skin, expelling them naturally and effectively through the skin’s surface as we work out. Visiting the sauna or steam room after your session will also encourage sweating, albeit in a more relaxed way!

Pump It!

If you’re sweating, your heart rate will be increased, meaning blood will be pumping around your body and helping to clear toxin build up. Good circulation means your blood not only delivers nutrients and oxygen more resourcefully to every cell in your body, but it also means it’s better able to carry toxins and waste away at the same time. Get your heart pumping with a brisk walk, or even a vigorous housework session – it all counts!

Love Your Lymph

The lymphatic system is key to detox, but having no natural pump lymph fluid relies on exercise to keep it moving around the body. As it does so it carries away impurities, delivering them to our waste elimination organs. Keeping your lymphatic system working will keep you feeling healthy, helping your immune system to protect you from illness.

Sugar and Spice

Diabetes is becoming a huge problem in our society, but this and other complications resulting from high blood sugar levels can be prevented and alleviated with regular exercise. Although sufferers of associated illnesses should take care when exercising, blood sugar regulation is an important effect of physical activity. During exercise, sugar is sent to the muscles for use as fuel, meaning that lower levels remain in the blood.

In conjunction with a healthy organic diet, exercise is a great weapon against waste build up and should be a part of every detox. During the detox itself you may not have enough energy for a workout, but exercise does not have to mean hitting the gym. Walking, deep breathing, yoga and similar activities will all help stimulate your natural detox processes into action. Build exercise into your daily lifestyle, and next time you step into your trainers, think about more than shaping up.

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